

by WeddingWire

Save all your wedding and event photos in one place

Create your album

Manage your privacy settings at any point

Total privacy

Control or modify your album's privacy settings as needed.

Your photos in hi-res

Download your entire album of photos and videos in the highest quality.

Connect your guests

Guests can engage, like, comment, and share photos and videos.

How does it work?

  • Create your album

    Sign up or login with WeddingWire to begin collecting memories.

  • Share the code with your guests

    Share your album code with guests so they can add their own photos.

  • Download the app and start adding photos!

    Your wedding has begun and now all your guests can enjoy adding their own photos and videos, which you can download later!

With WedShoots you can...

Plus, it's completely free!

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© 2025 WedShoots | WeddingWire